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Paediatrics (children)

Smart Moves Healthcare Physiotherapists work with children and teenagers who have physical limitations or gross motor difficulty caused by developmental delay, congenital conditions, injury or illness.

Our goal is to assist children and teenagers in improving their quality of life by using a combination of exercises, therapy and assistive technologies to improve wellbeing and help them participate in their daily activities.

Smart Moves Healthcare Physiotherapists can assist with:

Adults and Older Persons

Smart Moves Healthcare Physiotherapists work with adults and older persons living with a disability, injury or the impacts of aging

Our team works with adults and older persons to maintain or improve their quality of life by using a combination of examination, assessment and person-centred intervention to help them feel empowered to live a purposeful life, achieve their goals and participate in their daily activities safely.

Smart Moves Healthcare Physiotherapists can assist with:

How can we support you?